Research team

Research team

The core of Proteus anguinus research comprise members of the “Research Group for Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates“, currently led by prof. dr. Rok Kostanjšek.

The group works in a close collaboration with SubBioLab research group. Both groups are affiliated to the Chair of Zoology, at the Department of Biology, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana



ROK KOSTANJŠEK – professor of Zoology, Group Leader



I’m interested in various aspects of olm biology and ecology, especially on its anatomical and physiological adaptations to the subterranean way of life, interactions with other organisms including parasites and microorganisms, genomics and conservation biology.

As head of the “Infrastructural center for Microscopy of Biological Samples” my research approaches are closely associated with various visualization techniques.

phone: +386 1 320 3373      

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