Benko, G., Fišer, Ž, Kostanjšek, R. (2024). Behavioural alterations in surface and cave populations of isopod crustacean Asellus aquaticus by Acanthocephalus anguillae. Journal of Helmintology, 98, 284, 1-11 LINK
Gredar, T., Šarac, A., Prša, P., Fišer, Ž., Kostanjšek, R., Bizjak-Mali, L. (2024). Morphology and differential counts of blood cells as important health indicators in the olm, Proteus anguinus. Amphibia-Reptilia, 10195, 1–16. LINK
Kostanjšek, R., Zakšek, V., Bizjak-Mali, L., Trontelj, P. (2023). The olm (Proteus anguinus), a flagship groundwater species. In: Groundwater ecology and evolution, 305–327. LINK
Gredar, T., Kostanjšek, R., Bizjak-Mali, L. (2023). The use of blood smears to assess health and stress in captive non-model amphibian, the olm Proteus anguinus. Improving nonclinical research practices: the way forward: proceedings, 48–49. LINK
Gredar, T. (2022). Genetika spola pri vretenčarjih. Proteus, 85(2/3), 52, 93–98. LINK
Kostanjšek, R., Diderichsen, B., Recknagel, H., Gunde-Cimerman, N., Gostinčar, C., Fan, G., Kordiš, D., Trontelj, P., Jiang, H., Bolund, L., Luo, Y. (2022). Toward the massive genome of Proteus anguinus– illuminating longevity, regeneration, convergent evolution, and metabolic disorders. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1507(1), 5–11. LINK
Premate, E., Fišer, Ž., Kuralt, Ž., Pekolj, A., Trajbarič, T., Milavc, E., Hanc, Ž., Kostanjšek, R. (2022). Behavioral observations of the olm (Proteus anguinus) in a karst spring via direct observations and camera trapping. Subterranean biology, 44, 69–83. LINK
Recknagel, H., Premate, E., Zakšek, V., Aljančič, G., Kostanjšek, R., Trontelj, P. (2022). Oviparity, viviparity or plasticity in reproductive mode of the olm Proteus anguinus: an epic misunderstanding caused by prey regurgitation? Contributions to zoology, 91, 153–165. LINK
Tesařová, M., Mancini, L., Mauri, E., Aljančič, G., Aljančič, M., Kostanjšek, R., Bizjak-Mali, L., Zikmund, T., Kaucká, M., Papi, F. (2022). 3D exploring of Proteus anguinus by X-ray computed microtomography. 4th International Meeting SOS Proteus: conservation of Proteus and its habitat facing climate change challenges, 16. LINK
Tesařová, M., Mancini, L., Mauri, E., Aljančič, G., Aljančič, M., Kostanjšek, R., Bizjak-Mali, L., Zikmund, T., Kaucká, M., Papi, F., Goyens, J., Bouchnita, A., Hellander, A., Adameyko, I., Kaiser, J. (2022). Living in darkness: exploring adaptation of Proteus anguinus in 3 dimensions by X-ray imaging. GigaScience, 11(30), 1–8. LINK
Trontelj, P., Kostanjšek, R., Recknagel, H. (2022). A dramatic tale of scientific fraud and political propaganda with Proteus in the main role and a Slovenian biologist as tragic hero, along with some new data. 4th International Meeting SOS Proteus: conservation of Proteus and its habitat facing climate change challenges, 11–12. LINK
Zalar, P., Gubenšek, A., Gostinčar, C., Kostanjšek, R., Bizjak-Mali, L., Gunde-Cimerman, N. (2022). Cultivable skin mycobiota of healthy and diseased blind cave salamander (Proteus anguinus). Frontiers in microbiology, 13, 1–14. LINK
Kostanjšek, R., Diderichsen, B., Recknagel, H., Gunde-Cimerman, N., Gostinčar, C., Fan, G., Kordiš, D., Trontelj, P., Jiang, H., Bolund, L., Luo, Y. 2021. Toward the massive genome of Proteus anguinus— illuminating longevity, regeneration, convergent evolution, and metabolic disorders. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1, 1–7. LINK
Kostanjšek, R., Turk, M., Vek, M., Gutiérrez-Aguirre, I., Gunde-Cimerman, N. (2021). First screening for Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, B. salamandrivorans and Ranavirus infections in wild and captive amphibians in Slovenia. Salamandra, 57(1), 162–166. LINK
Decena-Segarra, L. P., Bizjak-Mali, L., Kladnik, A., Sessions, S., Rovito, S. M. (2020). Miniaturization, genome size, and biological size in a diverse clade of salamanders. The American naturalist, 196(5), 634–648. LINK
Li, Z., Verbrugghe, E., Kostanjšek, R., Lukač, M., Pasmans, F., Zajc-Cizelj, I., Martel, A. (2020). Dampened virulence and limited proliferation of Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans during subclinical infection of the troglobiont olm (Proteus anguinus). Scientific reports, 10(16480), 1–7. LINK
Amin, O. M., Heckmann, R. A., Fišer, Ž., Zakšek, V., Herlyn, H., Kostanjšek, R. (2019). Description of Acanthocephalus anguillae balkanicus subsp. n. (Acanthocephala: Echinorhynchidae) from Proteus anguinus Laurenti (Amphibia: Proteidae) and the cave ecomorph of Asellus aquaticus (Crustacea: Asellidae) in Slovenia. Folia Parasitologica, 66, 1–13. LINK
Bizjak-Mali, L., Sket, B. (2019). History and biology of the „black proteus“ (Proteus anguinus parkelj Sket & Arntzen 1994; Amphibia: Proteidae): a review. Folia biologica et geologica, 60(1), 5–37. LINK
Gredar, T., Leonardi, A., Novak, M., Sepčić, K., Bizjak-Mali, L., Križaj, I., Kostanjšek, R. (2019). Vitellogenin in the European cave salamander, Proteus anguinus: its characterization and dynamics in a captive female as a basis for non-destructive sex identification. Comparative biochemistry and physiology, 235, 30–37. LINK
Itgen, M. W., Prša, P., Janža, R., Skubic, L., Townsend, J. H., Kladnik, A., Bizjak-Mali, L., Sessions, S. (2019). Genome size diversification in Central American Bolitoglossine salamanders (Caudata; Plethodontidae). Copeia, 107(3), 560–566. LINK
Kostanjšek, R., Prodan, Y., Stres, B., Trontelj, P. (2019). Composition of the cutaneous bacterial community of a cave amphibian, Proteus anguinus. FEMS microbiology, ecology, 95(3), 1–7. LINK
Bizjak-Mali, L., Zalar, P., Turk, M., Novak Babič, M., Kostanjšek, R., Gunde-Cimerman, N. (2018). Opportunistic fungal pathogens isolated from a captive individual of the European blind cave salamander Proteus anguinus. Diseases of aquatic organisms, 129, 15–30. LINK
Gorički, Š., Presetnik, P., Prosenc Zmrzljak, U., Gredar, T., Blatnik, M., Kogovšek, B., Koit, O., Mayaud, C., Strah, S., Jalžić, B., Aljančič, G., Štebih, D., Hudoklin, A., Košir, R. (2018). Development of eDNA methods for monitoring two stygobiotic species of the Dinaric Karst, Proteus anguinus and Congeria jalzici, using digital PCR = Razvoj metod eDNA za monitoring dveh stigobiontov Dinarskega krasa, človeške ribice (Proteus anguinus) in Jalžićeve jamske školjke (Congeria jalzici), z uporabo digitalne PCR. Natura Sloveniae, 20(2), 47–50. LINK
Gredar, T., Prša, P., Bizjak-Mali, L. (2018). Comparative analysis of hematological parameters in wild and captive Proteus anguinus = Primerjalna analiza hematoloških parametrov pri močerilu iz narave in v ujetništvu. Natura Sloveniae, 20(2), 57–59. LINK
Prša, P., Bizjak-Mali, L. (2018). Vital fluorescent staining for non-destructive studies of neuromast topography in urodele amphibians = Uporaba vitalnega fluorescentnega barvila kot nedestruktiven pristop za raziskave razporeditve nevromastov pri repatih dvoživkah. Acta biologica slovenica, 61(1), 35–45. LINK
Arčan, A.-M., Koželj Nyambe, T., Strgar, M., Bizjak-Mali, L. (2017). Vzorec osifikacije skeleta pri ličinkah navadne krastače Bufo bufo = Ossification patterns of the skeleton in the larvae of the common European toad Bufo bufo. Acta biologica slovenica, 60(1), 75–88. LINK
Bizjak-Mali, L. (2017). Variability of testes morphology and the presence of testis-ova in the European blind cave salamander (Proteus anguinus). Acta biologica slovenica 60(1): 53–74.
Gredar, T., Bizjak-Mali, L. (2017b). Cultivation and morphology of blood cells of the olm Proteus anguinus = Gojenje in morfologija krvnih celic močerila Proteus anguinus. Natura Sloveniae, 19(1), 29–30. LINK
Keržan, T. (2016). Analiza oocitov v testisih človeške ribice (Proteus anguinus). Graduation thesis, Faculty of Education, University of Ljubljana. LINK
Kostanjšek, R., Gunde-Cimerman, N., Bizjak-Mali, L. (2017). Microbial and parasitic threats to proteus = Mikrobna in parazitska ogroženost močerila. Natura Sloveniae, 19(1), 31–32. LINK
Marolt, Š. (2017). Optimalni umetni pogoji za gojenje in razmnoževanje krempljark (Xenopus laevis). Graduation thesis, Faculty of Education, University of Ljubljana. LINK
Trontelj, P., Aljančič, G., Kostanjšek, R. (2017). Recommendations for a consistent use of vernacular names for Proteus anguinus in English and Slovenian scientific texts = Priporočila za enotno rabo angleških in slovenskih imen za vrsto Proteus anguinus v znanstvenih besedilih. Natura Sloveniae, 19(1), 23–24. LINK
Bizjak-Mali, L., Bulog, B. (2016). Functional morphology and environmental studies on Proteus = Funkcionalno-morfološke in okoljske raziskave na proteju. Natura Sloveniae, 18(1), 45–46. LINK
Gorički, Š., Stanković, D., Aljančič, M., Snoj, A., Kuntner, M., Gredar, T., Vodnik, L., Aljančič, G. (2016). Searching for the black Proteus with the help of eDNA = Iskanje črnega močerila s pomočjo okoljske DNA. Natura Sloveniae, 18(1), 57–58. LINK
Gredar, T. (2016). Optimizacija gojenja krvnih celic neoteničnih dvoživk za citogenetske analize = Blood cell cultivation of neotenic amphibians and its optimization for cytogenetic analyses. MSc Thesis, Department of Biology, University of Ljubljana. LINK
Gredar, T., Bizjak-Mali, L. (2016a). Človeška ribica pod drobnogledom. Proteus, 78(9), 400–405. LINK
Sessions, S., Bizjak-Mali, L., Green, D. M., Trifonov, V., Ferguson-Smith, M. A. (2016). Evidence for sex chromosome turnover in proteid salamanders. Cytogenetic and genome research, 148(4), 305–313. LINK
Bulog, B., Bizjak-Mali, L. (2014). Olm – cave salamander. In: štangelj, M. (ed.), et al. Natural heritage of Bela krajina, Slovenia. Bela krajina Museum, 176–187.
Bizjak-Mali, L., Sepčić, K., Bulog, B. (2013). Long-term starvation in cave salamander effects on liver ultrastructure and energy reserve mobilization. Journal of morphology, 274(8), 887–900. LINK
Bulog, B. (2012). Ocena okoljskega onesnaženja kraškega podzemlja v Jelševniku pri Črnomlju in vplivi na črno podvrsto močerila (Proteus anguinus parkelj, Amphibia, Proteidae). III. Univerza v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fakulteta, Oddelek za biologijo. Elaborat za Zavod za varstvo narave, Novo mesto (1.5.2012), 17 pp.
Pezdirc, M., Heath, E., Bizjak-Mali, L., Bulog, B. (2011). PCB accumulation and tissue distribution in cave salamander (Proteus anguinus anguinus, Amphibia, Urodela) in the polluted karstic hinterland of the Krupa River, Slovenia. Chemosphere, 84(7), 987–993. LINK
Bizjak-Mali, L., Bulog, B. (2010). Ultrastructure of previtellogene oocytes in the neotenic cave salamander Proteus anguinus anguinus (Amphibia, Urodela, Proteidae). Protoplasma, 246(1/4), 33–39. LINK
Schlegel, P. A., Steinfartz S., Bulog B. (2009). Non-visual sensory phisiology and magnetic orientation in blind salamander, Proteus anguinus (and some other cave-dwelling urodele species). Review and new results on light-sensitivity and non-visual orientation in subterranean urodeles (Amphibia). Animal Biology 59: 351–384.
Prelovšek, P. M., Bizjak-Mali, L., Bulog, B. (2008). Hepatic pigment cells of Proteidae (Amphibia, Urodela): a comparative histochemical and ultrastructural study. Animal biology, 58, 245–256.
Bulog, B. (2007). Okoljske in funkcionalno-morfološke raziskave močerila Proteus anguinus [Environmental and functional-morphological research of Proteus anguinus]. Proteus 70(3), 102–109.
Bizjak-Mali, L., Bulog, B. (2004). Histology and ultrastructure of the gut epithelium of the neotenic cave salamander, Proteus anguinus (Amphibia, Caudata). Journal of morphology, 259, 82–89.
Mihajl, K., Falonga, I., Bulog, B., Tušek-Žnidarič, M., Ščančar, J. (2003). Hepatic metallothioneins in two neotenic salamanders, Proteus anguinus and Necturus maculosus (Amphibia, Caudata). Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Part C, Toxicology & pharmacology, 135: 285–294.
Prelovšek, P.M., Bulog B. (2003a). Biogenesis of melanosomes in Kupff er cells of Proteus anguinus (Urodela, Amphibia). Pigment Cell Research, 16, 345–350.
Bulog, B., Mihajl, K., Jeran, Z., Toman, M.J. (2002). Trace element concentrations in the tissues of Proteus anguinus (Amphibia, Caudata) and the surrounding environment. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 136, 147–163.
Kos, M., Bulog, B., Szél, Á., Rohlich, P. (2001). Immunocytochemical demonstration of visual pigments in the degenerate retinal and pineal photoreceptors of the blind cave salamander (Proteus anguinus). Cell and Tissue Research, 303: 15–25.
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Bizjak-Mali, L., Bulog, B. (1996). Ultrastructural alterations of gastric surface mucous cells of cave salamander Proteus anguinus (Amphibia, Caudata) during food deprivation. Journal of computer-assisted microscopy, 8(4), 241–243.
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Bulog, B., Jezernik, K. (1996). Ultrastructure of the endo-periotic double membrane in the inner ear of Proteus anguinus (Amphibia, Caudata). Mémoires de biospéologie. 23, 47–51.
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Gredar, T., Kostanjšek, R., Bizjak-Mali, L. (2024). Blood samples as an invaluable source of information on the health and reproductive status of the olm Proteus anguinus. 26th International Conference on Subterranean Biology [and] 6th International Symposium on Anchialine Ecosystems, Cagliari (Sardinia), 9-14 September 2024, 62. LINK
Benko, G., Recknagel, H., Kostanjšek, R. (2024). Acanthocephalus anguillae: an evolutionary misadventure of parasite in subterranean environment. 26th International Conference on Subterranean Biology [and] 6th International Symposium on Anchialine Ecosystems : Cagliari (Sardinia), 9-14 September 2024, 150. LINK
Benko, G., Recknagel, H., Kostanjšek, R. (2024). Acanthocephalus anguillae: an evolutionary misadventure of parasite in subterranean environment. 26th International Conference on Subterranean Biology [and] 6th International Symposium on Anchialine Ecosystems : Cagliari (Sardinia), 9-14 September 2024, 150. LINK
Vencelj Merc, B., Šimunović, K., Kladnik, A., Bizjak-Mali, L. (2023). Optimizing flow cytometry for genome size estimation in salamanders: a call for nondestructive methods in amphibian genomics. Improving nonclinical research practices: the way forward: proceedings, 64–65. LINK
Benko, G., Fišer, Ž., Kostanjšek, R. (2022). Acanthocephalan-induced phenotypic alterations of Asellus aquaticus. 3rd Dinaric Symposium on Subterranean Biology, 9th–10th April 2022, Trebinje: Abstract book, 19. LINK
Gredar, T., Bizjak-Mali, L., Kostanjšek, R. (2022). LINKing different approaches for sex identification of Proteus anguinus. 4th International Meeting SOS Proteus: conservation of Proteus and its habitat facing climate change challenges, 16–17. LINK
Kostanjšek, R., Vek, M., Turk, M., Gutiérrez-Aguirre, I., Gunde-Cimerman, N., Li, Z., Verbrugghe, E., Lukač, M., Pasmans, F., Cizelj, I., Martel, A. (2022). Chytrid fungi infection in olm: screening for pathogens in wild populations and olm’s susceptibility to infection. 4th International Meeting SOS Proteus: conservation of Proteus and its habitat facing climate change challenges, 8–9. LINK
Premate, E., Fišer, Ž., Kuralt, Ž., Pekolj, A., Trajbarič, T., Milavc, E., Hanc, Ž., Kostanjšek, R. (2022). Behavioral observations of the olm (Proteus anguinus) in a karst spring. 4th International Meeting SOS Proteus: conservation of Proteus and its habitat facing climate change challenges, 17. LINK
Tesařová, M., Mancini, L., Mauri, E., Aljančič, G., Aljančič, M., Kostanjšek, R., Bizjak-Mali, L., Zikmund, T., Kaucká, M., Papi, F. (2022). 3D exploring of Proteus anguinus by X-ray computed microtomography. 4th International Meeting SOS Proteus: conservation of Proteus and its habitat facing climate change challenges, 16. LINK
Trontelj, P., Kostanjšek, R., Recknagel, H. (2022). A dramatic tale of scientific fraud and political propaganda with Proteus in the main role and a Slovenian biologist as tragic hero, along with some new data. 4th International Meeting SOS Proteus: conservation of Proteus and its habitat facing climate change challenges, 11–12. LINK
Vek, M., Kostanjšek, R., Turk, M., Gutiérrez-Aguirre, I., Gunde-Cimerman, N. (2022). First comprehensive and systematic survey for the Amphibian Chytrid Fungi in Slovenia = Prvo sistematično testiranje dvoživk na prisotnost hitridnih gliv v Sloveniji. Amphibian conservation and habitat restoration: abstract book, 30. LINK
Vuksanović, S., Drobne, D., Jemec Kokalj, A., Bizjak-Mali, L. (2022). Učinki nanodelcev titanovega dioksida E171 na razvoj zarodkov rib cebric. 4. slovensko posvetovanje mikroskopistov: knjiga povzetkov, 69.
Bačnik, K., Kutnjak, D., Novak Babič, M., Turk, M., Kostanjšek, R., Zalar, P., Gostinčar, C., Mulec, J., Gunde-Cimerman, N., Ravnikar, M., Gutiérrez-Aguirre, I. (2020). Metagenomic analysis of virus diversity in cave water habitats. International conference, July 27-28, 2020, Saint Petersburg, Russia Bioinformatics: from algorithms to applications. LINK
Bačnik, K., Kutnjak, D., Novak Babič, M., Turk, M., Kostanjšek, R., Zalar, P., Gostinčar, C., Mulec, J., Gunde-Cimerman, N., Ravnikar, M., Gutiérrez-Aguirre, I. (2020). Metagenomska analiza virusne raznolikosti v vzorcih jamskih voda. 8. kongres Slovenskega mikrobiološkega društva: knjiga povzetkov, 115. LINK
Zalar, P., Turk, M., Gubenšek, A., Bokan, I., Gostinčar, C., Kostanjšek, R., Mulec, J., Gunde-Cimerman, N. (2020). Osamitev in identifikacija mikroorganizmov s človeške ribice (Proteus anguinus) iz narave in ujetništva. 8. kongres Slovenskega mikrobiološkega društva: knjiga povzetkov, 135. LINK
Aljančič, G., Golob, Z., Aljančič, M., Turk, T., Kirbiš, N., Vek, M., Kostanjšek, R., Gunde-Cimerman, N. (2019). Mitigating the potential risk of chytridiomycete fungi and ranaviruses infection at the sanctuary for injured proteus (Proteus anguinus) of the Tular Cave Laboratory. Conference: Mitigating single pathogen and co-infections that threaten amphibian biodiversity, London, 24. LINK
Bizjak-Mali, L. (2019). Translokacija kromosoma Y in abnormalnosti gonad: od človeške ribice do človeka. Novosti v laboratoriju za oploditev z biomedicinsko pomočjo: kje smo in kam gremo? Znanstveno srečanje; zbornik, Ljubljana, 26th September, 123–128.
Bizjak-Mali, L., Prša, P., Gredar, T., Sessions, S. (2019). Non-destructive in vitro systems for research on Proteus anguinus, a vulnerable amphibian species. Slovensko posvetovanje mikroskopistov – Knjiga povzetkov, 48.
Bizjak-Mali, L., Rošer, M., Sessions, S., Bulog, B. (2019). Skeletochronological analysis of the long-lived European blind cave salamander, Proteus anguinus. Journal of morphology, 280, S84.
Bizjak-Mali, L., Dolenc Batagelj, K., Gnezda, P., Kanduč, K., Sessions, S. (2019). Chronology of limb regeneration in captive born juvenile of the European blind cave salamander. XX European Congress of Herpetology, Milan, 2-6 September 2019 – Program & abstracts, 131. LINK
Vek, M., Turk, M., Kirbiš, N., Poboljšaj, K., Aljančič, G., Gunde-Cimerman, N., Kostanjšek, R. (2019). Pilot survey on the amphibian chytrid fungi in Slovenia. XX European Congress of Herpetology, Milan, 2-6 September 2019 – Program & abstracts, 240. LINK
Vozny, L., Bizjak-Mali, L. (2019). Kronologija razvoja ličink velikega pupka Triturus carnifex. Slovensko posvetovanje mikroskopistov, Ankaran – Knjiga povzetkov, 83.
Bizjak-Mali, L., Kostanjšek, R., Gunde-Cimerman, N. (2018). Integrativni pristop za razumevanje biologije proteusa, „skrivnostnega vladarja“ dinarskega podzemlja. Slovenian veterinary research, 55(19), 35.
Gorički, Š., Presetnik, P., Prosenc Zmrzljak, U., Blatnik, M., Gredar, T., Kogovšek, B., Koit, O., Strah, S., Bilandžija, H., Jalžić, B., Aljančič, G., Košir, R., Mayaud, C., Štebih, D., Hudoklin, A., Jeffery, W. R. (2018). Environmental DNA in subterranean biology update: from ʺWhere?ʺ to ʺHow many?ʺ. ARPHA Conference Abstracts, e29968. LINK
Gredar, T., Prša, P., Bizjak-Mali, L. (2018). Non-destructive methods for assessing health and physiological stress in Proteus anguinus. Biosfera – konferenca študentov bioloških znanosti, Ljubljana – Zbornik konference, 17. LINK
Kubale, V., Vajs, N., Golob, Z., Aljančič, G., Kostanjšek, R., Bizjak-Mali, L. (2018). Comparison of computer tomography (CT) scans and histologic findings in European blind cave salamander, Proteus anguinus. Proceedings of the 32nd conference of the European association of veterinary anatomists, Hannover, Germany, July 25 – 28 2018, 47(1), 47. LINK
Bizjak-Mali, L. (2017). Microwave-assisted processing of biological samples for microscopy. Slovensko posvetovanje mikroskopistov, Piran – Knjiga povzetkov, 36.
Bizjak-Mali, L., Sessions, S. (2017). Explanation for reproductive abnormalities in the European blind cave salamander, Proteus anguinus? In: Programme & abstracts, 19th European Congress of Herpetology, Salzburg, 53. LINK
Bizjak-Mali, L., Zalar, P., Turk, M., Novak Babič, M., Kostanjšek, R., Gredar, T., Gunde-Cimerman, N. (2017). Opportunistic pathogens of the captive specimen of the European blind cave salamander Proteus anguinus. In: Programme & abstracts, 19th European Congress of Herpetology, Salzburg, 184. LINK
Bizjak-Mali, L., Dolenc Batagelj, K., Gnezda, P., Weldt, S., Sessions, S. (2017). Moving away from the „‚cave lab paradigm‘“: successful captive breeding and raising of the European blind cave salamander Proteus anguinus using „ ‚optimal artificial‘“ conditions. In: Programme & abstracts, 19th European Congress of Herpetology, Salzburg, 183.
Gredar, T., Bizjak-Mali, L. (2017). A non-destructive approach for monitoring the health status in the European Blind Cave Salamander, Proteus anguinus: differential counts of white blood cells from blood smears. In: Programme & abstracts, 19th European Congress of Herpetology, Salzburg, 206. LINK
Gredar, T., Bizjak-Mali, L. (2017a). Blood cell morphology and differential counts of European blind cave salamander, Proteus anguinus. Slovensko posvetovanje mikroskopistov, Piran – Knjiga povzetkov, 49.
Kostanjšek, R., Prodan, Y., Trontelj, P. (2017). Comparative analysis of skin bacteriome from four natural populations of Proteus anguinus in Slovenia. In: Programme & abstracts, 19th European Congress of Herpetology, Salzburg, 91. LINK
Prša, P., Bizjak-Mali, L. (2017). Vital fluorescent staining for neuromast studies in urodele amphibians. In: Programme & abstracts, 19th European Congress of Herpetology, Salzburg, 245.
Prša, P., Janža, R., Skubic, L., Kladnik, A., Itgen, M. W., Sessions, S., Bizjak-Mali, L. (2017). Genome size analysis in neotropical bolitoglossine salamanders with DNA image cytometry. Slovensko posvetovanje mikroskopistov, Piran – Knjiga povzetkov, 64.
Sessions, S., Bizjak-Mali, L. (2017). Evolutionary cytogenetics of proteid salamanders. In: Programme & abstracts, 19th European Congress of Herpetology, Salzburg, 145. LINK
Bizjak-Mali, L., Sessions, S. (2016). Testis-ova and male gonad variability in the European blind cave salamander, Proteus anguinus (Amphibia: Urodela): consequence of sex-chromosome turnover? Anatomical Record, 299(1): 109–110. LINK
Gredar, T., Bizjak-Mali, L. (2016b). Razvoj nedestruktivnih metod za citogenetske analize močerila (Proteus anguinus) = Developing non-destructive methods for cytogenetic analysis in the European blind cave salamander (Proteus anguinus). Biosfera – konferenca študentov bioloških znanosti, Ljubljana – Zbornik konference, 21–22.
Janža, R., Prša, P., Skubic, L., Itgen, M. W., Sessions, S., Bizjak-Mali, L. (2016). Biogeografske korelacije velikosti genoma pri neotropskih pupkih rodu Bolitoglossa = Biogeographical Correlates of Genome Size in Neotropical Bolitoglossine Salamanders. Biosfera – konferenca študentov bioloških znanosti, Ljubljana – Zbornik konference, 57–58.
Rošer, M., Bizjak-Mali, L., Bulog, B. (2016). Skeletokronološka analiza in interpretacija linij zavrte rasti v dolgih kosteh močerila Proteus anguinus = Skeletochronological analysis and interpretation of lines of arrestet growth in long bones of blind cave salamander Proteus anguinus. Biosfera – konferenca študentov bioloških znanosti, Ljubljana – Zbornik konference, 25–26.
Sessions, S., Bizjak-Mali, L. (2016). The phoenix rises: reversal of cave adaptations in the blind cave salamander, Proteus anguinus (Amphibia: Urodela: Proteidae). ICVM 11: program, 110. LINK
Šoln, K., Gorše, S., Petrič, M., Bizjak-Mali, L. (2016). Vpliv starosti na pigmentacijo jeter pri neotenični jamski repati dvoživki Proteus anguinus = Effect of age on liver pigmentation in the neotenic blind cave salamander Proteus anguinus. Biosfera – konferenca študentov bioloških znanosti, Ljubljana – Zbornik konference, 23–24.
Zalar, P., Turk, M., Novak Babič, M., Kostanjšek, R., Bizjak-Mali, L., Gunde-Cimerman, N. (2016). Opportunistic pathogens of the cave salamander Proteus anguinus. Paleokarst: abstracts & guide book, 35. LINK
Bizjak-Mali, L., Bulog, B. (2015). The morphology of male gonads of the neotenic cave salamander (Proteus anguinus). The FASEB journal, 29(1), 1.
Bizjak-Mali, L., Kovačič, M., Bulog, B. (2015). The variability of testes morphology in the blind cave salamander including the presence of testis-ova. In: Šestan, A., et al (Eds.), Book of abstracts of the 1st Slovene Microscopy Symposium, 18.-19. May 2015, Piran, Slovenia, 45.
Gredar, T., Hrovat, K., Vittori, M., Bizjak-Mali, L. (2015). Aqueous clearing agents for the observation of GFP fluorescence in fixed zebrafish embryos. Slovensko posvetovanje mikroskopistov, Piran – Knjiga povzetkov, 65.
Sessions, S.K., Bulog, B., Bizjak-Mali, L., (2015) The phoenix rises: reversal of cave adaptations in the blind cave salamander, Proteus anguinus? The FASEB Journal 29 (suppl. 1): 1.
Bizjak-Mali, L., Talaber, I., Kleč, U., Ceket, D., Habič, L., Bulog, B. (2013). Oogenesis of the olm. Program and abstracts of the 10th International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology: Fira Palace Hotel, Barcelona, Spain, 8-12 July, 2013, 230. LINK
Avguštin, G., Fanedl, L., Stres, B., Jerman, V., Borštnar Vasle, M., Bizjak-Mali, L., Bulog, B. (2011). The molecular survey of the gut microbial communities of neotenic amfibians Proteus anguinus and Ambystoma mexicanum. From research to practice application: conference book, 36.
Bizjak-Mali, L., Bulog, B. (2011). Follicular ovarian atresia in the olm (Proteus anguinus anguinus). 10th Multinational Congress on Microscopy 2011, Urbino, Italy. [S. l.]: Società Italiana Scienze Micriscopiche – Proceedings. 295–296.
Avguštin, G., Gramc, S., Bizjak-Mali, L., Bulog, B., Ambrožič, J. (2010). The structure and diversity of the microbial community inhabiting the hind gut of the olm (Proteus anguinus). International Conference on Subterranean Biology, Postojna – Abstract book, 163.
Bizjak-Mali, L., Talaber, I., Kleč, U., Bulog, B. (2010). Oogenesis in Proteus: stages of oocyte development. I In: Moškrič, A. (ed.), Trontelj, P. (eds.). Abstract book. Postojna: Organizing committee, 20th International Conference on Subterranean Biology, 116–117.
Konec, M., Bulog, B. (2010): Three-dimensional reconstruction of the inner ear of Proteus anguinus (Amphibia: Urodela). In: Moškrič, A., Trontelj, P. (Eds.). 20th International Conference on Subterranean Biology, Postojna – Abstract book, 119–120.
Ambrožič, J., Primon, M., Bizjak-Mali, L., Bulog, B., Fanedl, L., Gramc, S., Avguštin, G. (2009). The structure of the microbial community inhabiting the hind gut of the Proteus anguinus, an amphibian salamander living in the underground waters of the Dinaric karst. Program book : microbes and man-interdependence and future challenges, 178.
Bizjak-Mali, L., Bulog, B. (2009). Oogenesis in neotenic cave salamander: Ultrastructure of previtellogene oocytes in Proteus anguinus (Amphibia, Urodela, Proteidae). Meeting of Dreiländertagung & Multinational Congress on Microscopy, Graz – Proceedings, 363–364. LINK
Bizjak-Mali, L., Herzog, T., Gorički, Š., Šuput, D., Bulog, B. (2006). Energy storage of the neotenic cave salamander Proteus anguinus (Amphibia Caudata). In: Moldovan, O. T. (ed.). Abstracts. Cluj-Napoca: Société International de Biospéologie. 67–68.
Bizjak-Mali, L., Herzog, T., Šuput, D., Bulog, B. (2005). Fuel storage in Proteidae: morphology and biochemical analysis of adipose tissue. Multinational Congress on Microscopy, Portorož – Proceedings, 253–254.
Prelovšek, P. M., Bizjak-Mali, L., Lužnik, M., Novak, J., Bulog, B. (2005). Kupffer cells of neotenic salamanders from the family Proteidae (Amphibia, Urodela). Multinational Congress on Microscopy, Portorož – Proceedings, 453–454.
Bizjak-Mali, L., Bulog, B., Sepčić, K. (2004). Long-term starvation in cave salamander (Proteus anguinus, Urodela, Amphibia). I., effects on liver ultrastructure and biochemical parameters. Zidar, P. (ed) et al. Book of abstracts & programme, 9th International Conference on Life Sciences of Slovenia – Life Sciences 2004 & 1 st International Congress on Toxicology in Slovenia with Workshops, Nova Gorica, Slovenia, Slovenian Society of Toxicology, 240.
Bizjak-Mali, L., Herzog, T., Šuput, D., Bulog, B. (2005). Fuel storage in Proteidae : morphology and biochemical analysis of adipose tissue. In: Čeh, M. et al (eds). Proceedings, 7th Multinational Congress on Microscopy, Portorož, Slovenia, 253–254.
Bizjak-Mali, L., Bulog, B. (2003). The hepatocytes ultrastructure of cave salamander Proteus anguinus during food deprivations. Milat, O., Ježek, D. (eds.). Proceedings, 6th Multinational Congress on Microscopy – European Extension, Pula, Croatia, 380-381.
Bizjak-Mali, L., Ferlan-Marolt, V., Bulog, B. (2003). Morphological consequences of starvation upon the liver. Virchows Archiv, 443(3), 423.
Prelovšek , P.M., Bulog , B. (2003b). Unusual type of pigment cell present in the liver of an unusual amphibian. In: Milat O., Ježek D. (Eds.). Proceedings, 6th Multinational Congress on Microscopy – European Extension, Pula, Croatia, Croatian Society for Electron Microscopy, 331–332.
Bizjak-Mali, L., Bulog, B. (2002). Morphological analysis of the liver of Proteus anguinus (Amphibia, Urodela): the effect of starvation on the ultrastructure of the hepatocytes. International Symposium of Biospeleology, Verona – Abstracts, 29.
Bulog, B., Schlegel, P., Kos, M., Röhlich, P., Briegleb, W. (2002). Non-visual orientation and light-sensitivity in the blind cave salamander, Proteus anguinus (Amphibia, Caudata). In: Latella, L. et al. (eds.). Abstracts of the 16th International Symposium of Biospeleology Verona: Societé Internationale de Biospéologie, 31–32.
Mihajl, K., Falonga, I., Bulog, B., Ščančar, J. (2002). Distribution of copper, zinc, and cadmium in the liver of Proteus anguinus and Necturus maculosus (Amphibia caudata) and their binding to metallotheionein. In: Book of abstracts, YISAC 2002 – 9th Young investigators’ seminar on analytical chemistry, Ljubljana, Jožef Stefan Institute: National Institute of Chemistry.
Mihajl, K., Falonga, I., Bulog, B. (2002). Metallothionein in the liver of Proteus anguinus (Amphibia; Caudata). In: Book of Abstracts of the 16th international symposium of biospeleologyVerona, Societé Internationale de Biospéologie. pp. 37–38.
Bizjak-Mali, L., Prelovšek, P.M., Bulog, B. (2001). The ultrastructure of hepatocytes in the neotenic cave salamander Proteus anguinus with emphasis on lipid droplets. In: Dini, L., Catalano, M. (Eds.). Proceedings of 5th Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy, 2001, September 20–25. Lecce, Italy: Rinton, 161–162.
Aljančič, G., Bulog, B. (1999). Earth magnetic field orientation in Proteus anguinus (Amphibia: Urodela) using computer analysis. V: Holcer, D., Šašić, M. (Eds.), Abstracts of the 14th International Symposium of Biospeleology, Makarska, Croatia, Zagreb, Croatian Biospeleological Society, 31.
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Vencelj Merc, B. (2023). Optimizacija postopkov za oceno velikosti genoma s pretočno citometrijo pri repatih dvoživkah = Optimisation of flow cytometry for genome size estimates of salamanders. MSc Thesis, Department of Biology, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana. LINK
Vodnik, L. (2023). Kožne spremembe človeške ribice = Skin changes in Proteus anguinus. MSc Thesis, Department of Biology, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana. LINK
Pajek Arambašić, N. (2022). Metagenomska analiza kožne mikrobiote črne podvrste človeške ribice = Metagenomic analysis of skin microbiota in the black olm subspecies. MSc Thesis, Department of Biology, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana. LINK
Vuksanović, S. (2022). Učinki izbranih nanomaterialov na razvoj zarodkov rib cebric = Effects of selected nanomaterials on the zebrafish embryonic development. MSc Thesis, Department of Biology, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana. LINK
Šarac, A. (2021). Primerjava krvnih slik okuženih človeških ribic = Comparison of blood pictures of infected olms. MSc Thesis, Department of Biology, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana. LINK
Vek, M. (2021). Testiranje dvoživk na prisotnost hitridnih gliv v Sloveniji = Survey for the amphibian chytrid fungi in Slovenia. MSc Thesis, Department of Biology, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana. LINK
Vozny, L. (2021). Dinamika rasti, razvoja in vedenja ličink velikega pupka v laboratorijskih pogojih = Dynamics of growth, development and behavior of the italian crested newt larvae in laboratory conditions. MSc Thesis, Department of Biology, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana. LINK
Gredar, T. (2020). Razvoj nedestruktivnih pristopov za prepoznavo spola močerila (Proteus anguinus, Urodela, Amphibia) = Development of non-destructive approaches for sex identification in the proteus (Proteus anguinus, Urodela, Amphibia). PhD Thesis, Department of Biology, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana. LINK
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Prša, P. (2018). Analysis of the blood count and blood cell proliferation in culture of proteus = Analiza krvne slike in proliferacija krvnih celic v kulturi pri proteusu. MSc Thesis, Department of Biology, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana. LINK
Ferkolj, A. (2017). Morfologija kože človeške ribice (Proteus anguinus anguinus). Graduation thesis, Faculty of Education, University of Ljubljana. LINK
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Gredar, T. (2016). Optimizacija gojenja krvnih celic neoteničnih dvoživk za citogenetske analize = Blood cell cultivation of neotenic amphibians and its optimization for cytogenetic analyses. MSc Thesis, Department of Biology, University of Ljubljana. LINK
Hrovat, K. (2016). Vpliv utišanja helikaze RECQ1 na proliferacijo glioblastomskih celic v cebricah = The effect of RECQ1 helicase depletion on proliferation of glioblastoma cells in zebrafish. MSc Thesis, Department of Biology, University of Ljubljana. LINK
Rošer, M. (2016). Skeletokronološka analiza in interpretacija linij zavrte rasti v dolgih kosteh močeril: = Skeletochronological analysis and interpretation of lines of arrested growth in long bones of Proteus anguinus anguinus. MSc Thesis, Department of Biology, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana. LINK
Šolar, N. (2016). Primerjava pigmentiranosti jeter hranjenih in nehranjenih osebkov močerila (Proteus anguinus) = Comparison of liver pigmentation of fed and unfed speciments of Proteus anguinus. Graduation Thesis, Department of Biology, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana. LINK
Velše, Š. (2014). Ocena prisotnosti pigmentnih skupkov v jajčnikih močerila. Graduation Thesis, Faculty of Education, University of Ljubljana. LINK
Pihler, N. (2014). Morfometrična analiza jeter močerila (Proteus anguinus anguinus). Graduation Thesis, Faculty of Education, University of Ljubljana. LINK
Kovačič, M. (2013). Morfologija močerilovih testisov = Morfology of the testis of the olm. Graduation Thesis, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana. LINK
Habič, L. (2012). Morfologija atrezij v jajčniku bele podvrste močerilaj = Morphology of atresia in ovaries of white subspecies of olm. Graduation thesis, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana. LINK
Ceket, D. (2011). Ultrastruktura oogonijev in zgodnjih oocit v jajčniku močerila (Proteus anguinus anguinus) = Oogonia and early oocytes ultrastructure in the ovary of proteus (Proteus anguinus anguinus). Graduation thesis, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana. LINK
Centrih, T. (2011). Morfometrična analiza skeleta črnega močerila (Proteus anguinus parkelj) z različnimi metodološkimi pristopi. = Morfometric analysis of the skeletal system of the black olm (Proteus anguinus parkelj) using various methodological approaches. Graduation thesis, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana.
Žibert, U. (2010). Zoritev oocit v ovariju močerila (Proteus anguinus anguinus)j = Oocytes growth in olm ovarium (Proteus anguinus anguinus). Graduation thesis, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana. LINK
Lapanja, N. (2010). Hemopoetska mesta v ledvicah in jetrih močerilarjev (Amphibia: Proteidae) = Haemopoietic sites in the kidney and liver of Proteidae (Amphibia: Proteidae). Graduation thesis, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana. LINK
Konec, M. (2009). Tridimenzionalna rekonstrukcija notranjega ušesa pri močerilu (Proteus anguinus, Amphibia: Urodela) = Three – dimensional reconstruction of inner ear in olm (Proteus anguinus, Amphibia: Urodela). Graduation Thesis, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana.
Pezdirc, M. (2008). Določanje vsebnosti polikloriranih bifenilov – PCB v človeški ribici (Proteus anguinus, Amphibia: Urodela) in v sedimentu s področja reke Krupe = Polychlorinated biphenyls – PCB in Proteus anguinus (Amphibia: Urodela) and sediment from the region of river Krupa. Graduation Thesis, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana.
Seibert, J. (2008). Fizikalni in kemijski parametri na lokaliteti močerila (Proteus anguinus) v Viru pri Stični = Phisical and chemical parameters on the locality of Proteus anguinus in Vir pri Stični. Graduation Thesis, University of Ljubljana.
Talaber, I. (2008). Oogeneza pri močerilu (Proteus anguinus, Amphibia: Urodela, Proteidae) = Oogenesis in the Olm (Proteus anguinus, Amphibia: Urodela, Proteidae). Graduation Thesis, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana.
Mrak, P. (2007). Morfologija vranice močerilarjev (Amphibia: Proteidae) = Morphology of the spleen of Proteidae (Amphibia: Proteidae). Graduation Thesis, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana. LINK
Roglič, P. (2007). Uporabnost skeletokronološke metode za oceno starosti pri močerilarjih (Amphibia: Proteidae) = Applicability of skeletochronological method for age estimation in proteidaes (Amphibia: Proteidae). Graduation Thesis, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana. LINK
Herzog, T. (2004). Razporeditev adipoznega tkiva in biokemijske analize tkiv močerilarjev = Distribution of adipose tissue and biochemical analyses of tissues in Proteidae (Amphibia). Graduation Thesis, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana.
Lužnik, M. (2004). Morfologija jeter črnega močerila (Proteus anguinus parkelj, Amphibia: Urodela) = Morphology of the liver of Proteus anguinus parkelj (Amphibia: Urodela). Graduation Thesis, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana.
Novak, J. (2004). Morfološka analiza jeter pri blatnem kužku (Necturus maculosus, Amphibia: Urodela) = Morphological analysis of the liver of Necturus maculosus (Amphibia: Urodela). Graduation Thesis, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana.
Bizjak-Mali, L. (2003). Vpliv stradanja na ultrastrukturo hepatocitov močerila (Proteus anguinus, Amphibia, Urodela) = Influence of the starvation on the ultrastructure of the hepatocytes in Proteus anguinus (Amphibia, Urodela). Doctoral dissertation, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana.
Mihajl, K. (2002). Metalotionein z vezanim bakrom, cinkom in kadmijem v jetrih močerila (Proteus anguinus, Amphibia: Caudata) = Copper, zinc, and cadmium binding metallothionein in the liver of Proteus anguinus (Amphibia: Caudata). MSc Thesis. University of Ljubljana.
Prelovšek, P. M. (2002). Histokemijska in ultrastrukturna analiza pigmentnih celic v jetrih močerila (Proteus anguinus: Amphibia: Urodela) = Histochemical and ultrastructural analysis of the pigment cells in the liver of Proteus anguinus (Amphibia: Urodela). MSc Thesis, University of Ljubljana.
Kos, M. (2000). Imunocitokemijska analiza vidnih pigmentov v čutilnih celicah očesa in pinealnega organa močerila (Proteus anguinus, Amphibia, Urodela) = Immunocytochemical analysis of visual pigments in the retinal and the pineal photoreceptors of Proteus anguinus (Amphibia, Urodela). Dissertation thesis, University of Ljubljana.
Kogej, T. (1999). Infekcija človeške ribice (Proteus anguinus) z glivami rodu Saprolegnia. MSc Thesis, University of Ljubljana.
Prelovšek, P.M. (1999). Morfološka analiza jeter pri močerilu (Proteus anguinus Laurenti, Urodela, Amphibia) = Morphological analysis of the liver of Proteus anguinus Laurenti (Urodela, Amphibia). Graduation Thesis, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana.
Kos, M. (1998). Funkcionalna morfologija pinealnega organa močerila (Proteus anguinus, Amphibia: Proteidae) = Functional morphology of pineal organ of Proteus anguinus (Amphibia: Proteidae). MSc Thesis, University of Ljubljana.
Bizjak-Mali, L. (1995). Histološke, histokemijske in ultrastrukturne analize prebavnega trakta močerila (Proteus anguinus, Amphibia, Caudata). MSc Thesis, University of Ljubljana.
Cijan, T. (1994). Mikroelementi v tkivih močerila (Proteus anguinus Laurenti, Urodela, Amphibia) in v njegovem okolju = Micro elements in the tissues of Proteus anguinus Laurenti (Urodela, Amphibia) and in its environment. Graduation Thesis, University of Ljubljana.
Kos, M. (1992). Ultrastruktura kože močerila (Proteus anguinus Laurenti, Urodela, Amphibia) = Fine structure of the skin of Proteus anguinus Laurenti (Urodela, Amphibia). Graduation Thesis, University of Ljubljana.
Bizjak-Mali, L. (1990). Ultrastrukturna analiza in funkcionalno morfološka orientacija nevromastov bočne linije pri planinskem pupku (Triturus alpestris) in proteju (Proteus anguinus Laur.) Graduation thesis, University of Ljubljana.
Bulog, B. (1986). Diferenciranost senzoričnih epitelov v notranjem ušesu pri močerilu (Proteus anguinus Laur.) = The stage of differentiation of the inner ear sensory epithelia in Proteus. Doctoral Dissertation, University of Ljubljana.